This Week in Rotary

Plains Rotary along with Ashburton Rotary each donated $5,000 to the Ashburton Aviation Museum. The funds will assist with the museum’s new lighting upgrade for their hangar. Ashburton Aviation Museum president Stephen Johnston said the funding would be used to…

This Week in Rotary

The Ashburton Fire Brigade has through various means, developed a museum of a very high standard which attracts both local and national visitors. Their aim is to continue to show and develop the proud history of the local brigade as…

This Week in Rotary

Last night we had the pleasure of having Jessie Chan, Chair of the Ruralco Board of Directors, as our guest speaker. Jessie spoke about her journey to governance, and how her upbringing has shaped her view of what good leadership…

This Week in Rotary

Last week we were privileged to have Malcolm Hopwood speak to our Club. Malcolm shared his extensive experience as a journalist both in broadcasting and print media. Malcolm is pictured below with John Duncan. Thank you Malcolm.

This Week in Rotary

We were given an insight into the real world drivers of change in the world, energy. We were told how decline in oil prices was the prime mover of the collapse of the Soviet Union. How alternative energy technology and…

Ray King, PHF

An Ashburton Rotarian has been honoured with a Paul Harris Fellowship Double Sapphire Pin for his efforts on behalf of the Ashburton Plains Rotary Club and the community. At a recent meeting of the Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains, the…

This Week in Rotary

One of the good things about Rotary is the opportunity to visit great business operations in Mid-Canterbury.   There are many wonderful stories of success here in our own District. Former member and past President Ray Mayne hosted us at his…

This Week in Rotary

In recent weeks Plains Rotary held the annual round of speech contests, starting with the Junior Speech Contest.   Challenging in aspects of research, preparation, and delivery for the students and stimulating and provocative, for listeners. Some 65 people heard 9…

This Week in Rotary

President Philip welcomed a good number of members to the weekly meeting and also welcomed guest speaker Pup (Paul) Chamberlain. Philip advised that the group of 4 members who were planning to spend a week helping with the Fox River…