This Week in Rotary

Posted By Bob Girvan

Malcolm Tarbotton
Paul Harris Fellow Double Sapphire Pin
It is customary for the Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains at our yearly Changeover to look back on the year and think about what we have achieved.
It is also customary to look at our membership with a view to recognising service above self from one of our members.
This year is no exception and on the 26th we recognised Malcolm Tarbotton who has now completed 50 years of service with our Club.
Rotary has been a family affair for the Tarbotton’s, and if we added together the years that Malcolm’s father Bob, his brother Leicester and Malcolm have served this Club, it would amount to more than 100 years of service. No mean feat. Bob was a charter member inducted on 10 May 1969.
Malcolm has during those 50 years been President twice and also carried out other leadership roles including secretary 2020- 2022.
Malcolm was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship Award for his services in May 1996 and then a sapphire pin in June 2008.
During the last 50 years Malcolm has made a significant contribution to Rotary and to the wider community including offering the use of his farm for growing potatoes and fire wood projects. Over the years Malcolm has also spent many hours selling potatoes for our successful Rotary Christmas project.
Malcolm and his late wife Judith played a significant role in hosting the overseas students we had, and he has continued to keep up a valuable connection with many of these students.
Malcolm has been a very loyal and dedicated hardworking Rotarian during his 50 years.
It is with this in mind that the Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains has much pleasure in awarding Malcolm with a further Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire pin and a commemorative Rotary Clock.

Past President Pip, Malcolm and President Wim

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