The Young Totara Award:
  • recognises the positive achievements of our young people,
  • promotes sound role models for our youth, and
  • fosters responsible attitudes towards the community.
The future of the planet will be in the hands of the youth of today.
To lead the world of tomorrow we will need young people with
  • strength of character,
  • courage of conviction,
  • care of the community, and
  • pursuit of excellence.
By singling out and recognizing young people with these qualities we can promote these ideals and encourage positive role models for the growing generations.

In New Zealand the Maori people liken their leaders to the mighty totara tree.
It seems appropriate that within New Zealand we should identify the leaders of tomorrow as “Young Totaras” and express the great need of our country as wanting a “forest of young totara trees,” a culturally sound association with strong environmental emphasis.
  • To recognize significant contributions by youth to the life and well being of their community, affecting those around them in a positive manner.
  • To recognize the importance of qualities such as innovative thinking, effective enterprise, leadership and planning abilities.
  • The person being nominated must not be more than 20 years of age at time of nomination.
The Award:
  • A personally inscribed award certificate, in a suitable frame, signed by the President of the awarding Rotary Club and invited VIP, plus the award lapel pin will be presented to the awardee.  An additional copy of the certificate will be provided for inclusion in a CV (Please note, there is no financial reward).

If you know a young person who you believe has the qualities that match the ideals and criteria listed above then please complete the nomination form below.

  • Name of person you wish to nominate for the Rotary Young Totara Award
  • Why do you believe your nominee deserves this award
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • Your name as the person nominating