• Do you already demonstrate leadership skills in your community, workplace, field of study, sports code or volunteer capacity?
  • Do you have a good, positive attitude and are you a team player?
  • Do you demonstrate a drive to succeed?
If you can answer yes to the above then the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA ) is the right platform to take you to the next level.
RYLA is a 6 day long live-in leadership development course run by Rotary. It and includes presentations, activities, and workshops covering a variety of topics, including:
  • communication skills
  • problem-solving and conflict management
  • community and global citizenship
RYLA participants are nominated by their local Rotary clubs, which often cover all expenses associated with the program or by corporate sponsor like an employer.
You can also be sponsored by your place of work or industry you work within or community group you associate with. Please ask your local Rotary representative for more information on corporate or industry sponsorship. Or you may like to approach your employer or leader of an organisation you belong to, to sponsor you.  You will still need a Rotary Club to endorse your Application and help is available to find one for you.
If you are an employer and wish to sponsor someone within your business, please get in touch with your local our representative email for more information.