Day 1, up the Arrow River to Macetown
Macetown is an old gold mining town, established in the 1860s and abandoned by the 1930s. The remaining historic buildings have been restored and the site is now managed by DOC
Starting from Arrowtown, we followed the track that wanders up the Arrow River gorge along the old Macetown Road. The gradient is generally upwards, climbing around 300m overall, though at a fairly gentle rate. Along the way the track fords the Arrow River 22 times.
Journey marked in green on map below.
Day 2, Up skippers Canyon to the Branchers
Day 2 took us up Skippers canyon to Skippers bridge and the old gold mining settlement. We split up with some trying their hand at panning for gold while the others travelled further up the canyon to The Branches.
Day 2 is marked in red on the map above.